
16 Nov 2016

10 Misconceptions about computers

  1. Theories
     Especially theories when the computer first became commercial to the public. What were some bizarre things that people had thought about the machines and the things they do?

  1. Computers don’t make mistakes.
     This is true only in a very limited, technical sense. If you give a modern computer a list of numbers to add up, for instance, it will do so correctly basically 100% of the time. But most of the things we use computers for now involve making inferences about something out in the world. This is an entirely different kind of problem, and one in which computers make mistakes all the time.
     In fact, not only do computers make a lot of the same mistakes that humans make(like overgeneralizing a rule and failing to recognize when it no longer applies) In many cases they actually make a lot more mistakes. It’s a very big deal in AI research of you can build a complex image recognition algorithm that performs near human performance, for instance.
Computers make mistakes:
They do not make mistakes. Computers do exactly what they are told to do - Nothing more, nothing less. If you do encounter a glitch or bug, it is likely a result of the humans who have * the code for that software. That most programmers write machine code. i.e. that we type literal 1s and 0s into PCs to write code.
Computer cannot be wrong, it cannot misbehave, it cannot do anything on it’s own, it is not smart, it is just a dumb piece of hardware which needs to be told every single thing every single time. It does not learn from it’s mistakes.

  1. Hardware and software
     There remains to this day a general misunderstanding of the line between hardware and software. One which I find worrying as I've seen several very successful scams prey on it. People understand basic things, like for instance that you can't just download extra RAM or a few more gigabytes of free space. But the things that are really important from a development standpoint, like the relative retrieval speeds between a remote source (The cloud), a local hard disk, system RAM, and the processor cache, that's all gibberish to them. And unethical developers are willing to exploit that ignorance to sell them on all manner of products that any sophomore CS student who has completed their class in machine architecture could tell you are bunk.

  1. Cables
     Another popular one is this weird belief people have regarding cables. People tend to jump at cables designed using methods that are good for analog signals. They're stiff, made of gold, heavily shielded, and more often than not completely identical in performance (or worse) than a five dollar one off Amazon. Your TV or monitor only reads 0s and 1s. 0s and 1s cannot get fuzzy due to your microwave being turned on. Having a fancy cable to move those 0s and 1s will not make colors any brighter, or sound any sharper.

  1. Story concerning Charles Babbage
     There is a famous story concerning Charles Babbage, before whom few realized that machines could be built capable of even a fraction of the computational power of modern devices. In his memoirs, Babbage described the sort of conversations he had when discussing the functionality of his analytical engine design with his peers:
On two occasions I have been asked, "Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?" ... I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question.

— Charles Babbage, Passages from the Life of a Philosopher

It's an understandable misconception. To such people, the machine was a black box which spit out answers to problems. The mechanical Turk, their best role model for such a machine up to that time, had been known for wiping all the chess pieces off the board if its opponent made an illegal move. Even if they knew that it had been a human inside, they could be forgiven for expecting that Babbage's machine might be designed to recognize and reject invalid input.
Such misconceptions persist to the present day—even more so, perhaps, now that software does do an excellent job of recognizing and rejecting invalid input. There are people who see this input validation occurring everywhere and think that this means that the software somehow knows what they want to be done with their data. But the maxim remains as true today as it ever has.

  1. Computers are clairvoyant.
     Computers are, sadly, unable to predict the future. Even those running sophisticated, specialized forecasting models aren’t 100% accurate.

  1. Monitors are not the problem.
     People are often frustrated when their computers crash or do other unexpected things. Even I get frustrated when things go wrong, especially if it’s not the direct result of something that I did. But being frustrated is no excuse for the things that many say and do to their completely innocent computer monitors. Users yelling in frustration at their screens because a program crashed, a file was lost, or the network went down. Meanwhile, the real culprit often sits nearby blinking its hard drive light in sadistic glee as its peripheral receives all of the abuse.

  1. Computers are smart.
     Computers are not smart. Computers are incredibly dumb. They do exactly what they’re told to do, even when the instructions are so obviously wrong that they could not possibly be intentional. Computers have no intuition, they do not refer to previous experience, and they can’t really interpret meaning. They just follow orders, regardless of how dumb those orders are.
     Computer cannot be wrong, it cannot misbehave, it cannot do anything on it’s own, it is not smart, it is just a dumb piece of hardware which needs to be told every single thing every single time. It does not learn from it’s mistakes.
     They are very good at doing exactly to the word of what you tell them to. This is also why most programmers use very strict terminology. Computers seem smart because they do have ability to repeat things we tell them a lot and very fast but they are unable to figure out if what we told them was wrong. If you make a program that adds two numbers and always produces a result 1 the computer will do it. It won’t bother him that 142 and 651 do not add up into 1.
     We’re making progress - the Curiosity rover on Mars has sophisticated software that prevents it from falling off of cliffs and the like. But Stuxnet convinced nuclear centrifuges to spin so fast they tore themselves apart. That’s because most computers, including the ones running those centrifuges, are not smart.

  1. Programmers knows binary
     I’ve heard this from a few (clearly non-techy) people, probably because everyone hears that computers run on 1s and 0s, so they assume that’s what programmers must be typing. Programmers basically just write in a version of English that’s customized to make what we’re trying to do easier. It’s not that crazy. Anyone could code without having to know binary.
  1. That Apple is trying to eradicate free software. (Not even Microsoft is trying to do this anymore.)

     It’s not a secret that Richard Stallman has never had much love for Apple, or Steve Jobs specifically. His response to Jobs’ death was more befitting a hated dictator than the tech industry’s Number 1 Beloved Asshole, but the FSF’s vendetta against Apple (partially, but ostensibly totally, about look-and-feel lawsuits) was at its height during John Sculley’s era. I have this whole spiel about what I think Stallman’s real problem with Apple is, but it’s off-topic for this question (tl;dw Jobs and Stallman were both major supporters of democratization of computing power, but had wildly different ideas about what that means; Jobs was a pragmatist, Stallman is a CS purist).

     This brings us to the free software community’s slightly demented response to the LLVM project. The FSF’s de facto flagship project for years has been the GNU Compiler Collection, a suite of tools for building programs from source code and for a long time the standard for Apple’s platforms, licensed under the GNU Public License (short form: do what you wish with the code, but if you distribute your changed program, you have to distribute your changes to all comers as well). Version 2 of the license, which the Linux kernel still uses, has been found mostly acceptable to industry, but version 3 introduced some significant changes (most surrounding “Tivoization”, or the use of code in a hardware product where it can’t be changed by the user, although there was apparently issues over the extremely baroque dialect of legalese that it was * in as well) that sent many corporate GNU contributors screaming for the doors. Apple’s history with GNU went back to Steve Jobs’ days at NeXT, where Jobs’ team, having recently taken over the Objective-C language from its creator Brad Cox, had asked if it could make its version of Objective-C, based on GCC, closed-source, and the FSF’s lawyers (but not Stallman himself) said probably not; although Stallman and fans seem to think this was a particularly acrimonious transaction and the start of an alleged grudge on Jobs’ part, it seems to have been a relatively drama-fre
ems to have been a relatively drama-free exchange based on what little I know about it, and NeXT and later Apple became a major contributor to GCC development. Until GPLv3.

     What wound up happening is that Apple’s fork of GCC, based on the last GPLv2 version, started falling behind the original. Apple bailed on GCC development when the license changed, and started looking for alternatives; they found Chris Lattner’s LLVM project, hired Lattner, and started pumping big money into it, the end result being the Clang compiler used by Apple, Google, FreeBSD, and a number of others, as well as the Swift and Rust languages built on the LLVM back end. It’s also licensed under the Apache license. This is the sticking point. While Apache is “free” under Stallman’s definition, it doesn’t require modified versions to contribute their changes back to the user pool. For quite some time, Stallman had been using the GPL as leverage over the free/open source software world in general, based on the assumption that as long as it was the main game in town for FOSS compiler development, no one could create a private version that left it in the dust. However, GCC from a technical standpoint is a mess; its code base is a masterpiece of organizational obfuscation, until recently not allowing plug-ins for fear of proprietary code slipping into the mix. It changed this in response to LLVM, which was designed from the beginning to be highly modular, and has rapidly overtaken GCC as a base for much compiler research.

     The long story short is that GCC is losing the battle on many fronts. Stallmanites want to blame Apple for pushing an inferior license as a trojan horse for creeping proprietariness, but as it turns out, it isn’t in Apple’s or any other company’s interest to do so. Coders want free/open source tools, and Lattner himself is committed to keeping LLVM and its satellite projects, at least those under Apple’s umbrella, free and open source. The ugly truth that Stallman et al don’t want to face is that GCC is losing not because of the corporate world’s resistance to FOSS, but because of the FSF’s refusal on licensing grounds to allow programmers to create the tools they need using GNU software. (Stallman’s reluctance to allow support for LLDB in GNU Emacs is another example that left a lot of people shaking their heads.) The changes to GCC’s code base to allow plug-ins were too little, too late in the eyes of many users, and not everyone in the FOSS movement approves of the FSF’s extremism to begin with and prefers a more permissive form of licensing than GPL. Along comes LLVM, which is everything compiler designers wanted from GCC, and they’re pretty indifferent to the GPL vs Apache question; as long as they can get access to and easily understand and work with the code, it doesn’t matter what license it’s under.

     The worst part of all this? The FSF could easily create an LLVM fork and relicense it to GPLv3 if they wished to serve as the base for GCC 6.x; the Apache license allows this, and there’s already a GCC front end for LLVM called DragonEgg. But no one would use it, and it would suffer a fate similar to, which is in a state of advanced bit rot because most of its developers went with the LibreOffice fork rather than the Apache Foundation, who Oracle ultimately gave the code to. The economics of gift economies are such that there’s often little point in duplication of effort; unless project leadership is completely intractable (as the LibreOffice forkers feared Oracle would be), a fork means diverting worker power solely for political reasons, meaning neither project advances as fast as it could had the fork never happened. All these subtleties are lost on people who see the world in an us vs. them mentality and act as if compromise means capitulation. It may be that Apple’s relationship to FOSS might be the same as the relationship of big game ranchers to wildlife preservation efforts, but shady or not, progress is progress

(As a side note, this mentality isn’t limited to Apple. There’s a few within the free software side of the community that consider the Raspberry Pi organization to be a front group for Broadcom marketing and/or lying about their commitment to free software, due largely to the binary blob driver issue and the inclusion of software like Mathematica in the Raspbian distro. And Miguel de Icaza, creator of Gnome and Mono, who is in extreme disfavor with Stallman et al for his work with Microsoft technologies, is probably directly responsible for one of the biggest victories for free/open source software ever, the open sourcing of large parts of .NET and Microsoft’s compiler technology. The free software side of the community is so blighted by pessimism and paranoia (cough*royschestowitz*cough*bradleykuhn*cough) that they can’t tell the difference between victory and defeat.)

7 Nov 2016

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