
31 Oct 2016

The Mother of ALL Conspiracy Videos. Explains ALL things. Made in 1967. All its predictions have come true, so far 100%

I've read hundreds of  nonfiction articles on the world, government, ancient history, etc. I don't know a soul who has done more research. And I must say I could have eliminated years of reading with this one video. It's worth your time. Especially for you youngsters.
     This guy is 100% right on.
I've watched the videos, listened to his recordings - he is great and he knew what was going on.
     A comparably detailed book on the same subject is "None Dare Call It Conspiracy" that was published in the same time frame & put out by the John Birch Society. Back then these were all ridiculed as over the top paranoids & the Communist/Socialist threat as relatively minor.

27 Oct 2016

Review of blogger gadgets- basic

     Next part of my previous post.

     There are 27 basic gadgets by blogger. If you have a good grip no all of them you can boost your traffic. Here are screenshots of applied gadget.

     1. Adsense
     Lets skip this gadget for now.

     2. Featured post
Highlight a special post on your blog. By selecting "use the most recently published post" you can make a gadget of Most recent post.

     3. Blog search
Let visitors search your blog.

     4. HTML/JavaScript
Add third-party functionality or other code to your blog. For example, i want to add Facebook page like box. For this go to this link.

     5. Profile
Display information about yourself to your visitors.

     6.Blog Archive
Make it easy for visitors to navigate your blog with links to older posts.

     7. Page Header
Display your blog's title and description.

     8. Image
Add an image from your computer, or from somewhere else on the web.

     9. Labels
Show all the labels of posts in your blog.

     10. Pages
Display a list of stand-alone pages on your blog.

     11. Link List
Display a collection of your favorite sites, blogs or web pages for your visitors.

     12. Text
Add a text message to your blog.

     13.Popular Posts
Display a list of the most popular posts from your blog.

     14. Blog's stats
Display the number of page views to your blog.

     15. Video Bar
Display YouTube clips for your readers to watch without leaving the page.
not appeared for me.

     16. Blog List
Show off what you read with a blogroll of your favorite blogs.

     17. Follow by Email
Make it easy for visitors to subscribe to email delivery when you publish a post.
Leaving it.

     18. Feed
Add content from an RSS or Atom feed to your blog.

     19. Logo
Show your Blogger pride by adding a logo to your page.

     20. Poll
Survey your visitors by adding a poll to your blog.

     21. Subscription Links
Let your readers easily subscribe to your blog with popular feed readers

     22. +1 Button
Let visitors quickly recommend your brand and your content.
See below.

     23. Translate
Let visitors translate your blog into different languages.

     24. List
Add a list of your favorite books, films or anything you like.

     25. Google+ Followers
Highlight your total Google+ audience (both its size and some friendly faces) and offer visitors the chance to follow you on Google+.
It will just show people who followed.

     26. Google+ Badge
Tell your visitors that you're on Google+ and let them follow you with a single click.
Yes, by showing Google+ profile

     27. Attribution
Display your blog's attribution data. Its locked but you can still remove it. Here is a guide. If that not worked try this one.

25 Oct 2016

Testing and reviewing blogger all templates and gadgets

    Hello to all. Today I learnt that setting a perfect blog is not easy for new bloggers. If you don't have any knowledge about blogging then you may have to struggle hard with setting appearance. I also struggled for a week to set a template that gives me satisfaction.
     After so many hours I wasted I wanted to create a post where I can show all screen shots of testing templates and gadgets and also reviewing them. So I created a new blog as I was not going to change anything on my working blog.
     Also the post may became a huge one with may screen shots and posts like these may not load on slower connections. So I have split up my post. Also it will be easier for someone if want to read in a specific area.
  1. Templates
  2. Gadgets - Basic
  3. Gadgets - More -- There are more than 700 and they enhance the beauty of your blog. Host of them comprise clocks, dates, social media posts, news, animations and pictures.

     I will keep them updated.

Blogger Templates review

     (Next section of my previous post).
     Advance options are almost same for every template and there is nothing complicated to explain except CSS. Which you can read here about CSS option with example.

  1.      First of all lets checkout Simple templates.

     All of the templates in simple section have same layouts.Only appearance properties like background and font color change from template to template. So, if you want to change the layout try from other section.

     2.     Dynamic view templates
     No matter which one you select, reader has option to change appearance. But one disadvantage is that it has no visible side bar on it. Reader have to hover a specific section to view side bar. Except Side bar template of dynamic view shows a side bar that only show posts and cannot show any gadgets. Side bars are important if you want to get your viewer interest. I personally used side bar template at start.

     3.     Picture window
     Same as simple window layout with a difference that side bar background is transparent and show blog background image. Post area is blurred. Also all of three templates are same, only font color and background change.

     4. Awesome Inc.
     Same same same, but now side bars are not transparent and also have borders which hides blog background a little more. Default background is solid colour. Also have different layouts same as simple templates.

     5. Watermark
     These templates have transparent side bar background and semi transparent post background with show page background at maximum. Layouts are same as simple window. But you have to be very careful about font colors

     6. Ethereal
     Very elegant template. It have no boundaries between post area and side bar areas. But look good. Layouts are same.

     7. Travel
     Semi transparent backgrounds of post area and side bars but side bar area is little dark to show a boundary. Layout is same.

 If you are new then use dynamic view because it have no visible side bar. After getting some experience to use gadgets, use one side bar and a footer. Then you can easily use more than one side bars.

23 Oct 2016

What can we expect from God? Positive and Negative hope/trust in God

     Religious people want you to see only white side of picture. But why they don't want that others also have to see other colorful side? Is it because of those imperfections that everyone can object?

    Today I examined that other colorful side. Today, I will only talk about hope, trust and faith. According to dictionary "The belief or expectation that something wished for can or will happen is hope." Today I learned that there are two types of hope, negative one and positive one. Religions always teach to trust in God (positively). We normally hope well from a good person. But what about hope and trust in God? Whenever I listened to a sermon they always say "trust for better tomorrow". But every picture has two sides. One is just white and one is so deep that everyone can find imperfections in details. Lets get a picture of personality and powers of God. The God we know have all the powers and most prominent one is that he put to death and bring to life. God alone can do this. There are 60 good personality traits discussed in this article.

•God takes away Adam and Eve's eternal life, thus commiting the first murder, and holds their descendants responsible and visiting Adam and Eve's punishment down on their children. In today's moral standards, the sins of the father die with the father.
•God destroys all life on Earth in a great flood, except for a drunk (Noah) and his family, for failing to worship him.
•God's tenth plague upon the Israelites was the unjustified murder of all firstborn sons in Egypt, which undoubtedly included little children.
•Before sending the plagues to Egypt, God "hardened Pharaoh's heart" so that he wouldn't let the Israelites go, so he could have an excuse to visit horrible plagues upon them, like boils, killing cattle and murdering all firstborn sons.
•God orders the Levites to kill their "every man and his neighnor" for worshipping another god. This cost 3000 lives.
•God sends a plague to the Israelites, apparently feeling that mass-butchery wasn't enough of a punishment.
•God kills Onan for refusing to impregnate his late brother's (whom God also slew) wife and instead "spilling his seed on the ground."
•God kills the entire populations of Soddom and Gammorah (again, including women, children and infants) for practicing certain sexual techniques.
•God gives all Philistines hemorrhoids in their pubic areas.
•God kills over 50,000 people for looking at an ark.
•God kills 70,000 people because King David decided to have a census.
•God approves of slavery, and instructs owners to beat their slaves.
•And, finally, God makes sure that if you are guilty of even the smallest transgression, you shall suffer endlessly for all eternity, following a dramatic homecoming for Jesus, who will be extremely pissed off at everyone for putting him to death, even though it was just the Romans and even though he knew what was going to happen beforehand, and he could have easily avoided it by using his power as God to perform a miracle and prove who he was. (See the entire book of Revelation)


•Satan, like Prometheus, gave knowledge to humanity by giving Eve the fruit from the forbidden tree. Because of Satan, humanity gained knowledge of good and evil, according to Genesis. Since we couldn't have possessed knowledge of good and evil before eating the fruit, Adam and Eve couldn't have known that eating the fruit was evil, so it seems a little harsh to punish them as severely as God did. Satan gave humans true capacity for moral judgment, unlike God, who simply expected everyone to mindlessly obey his orders.
•There is no biblical record of Satan engaging in the murder of torture of any human being, unlike God, who is guilty (and proudly guilty) of commiting genocide.
•There is no biblical record of Satan ever ordering someone to kill someone else, unlike God, who has repeatedly demanded the deaths of those who commit even the smallest of offenses.
•Satan will not be holding a massively dramatic ceremony full of blood and death for the return of his son to Earth. God apparently will.

      This simply makes a negative trait of good God. Now you know that if He gets angry He can kill. You can take other examples which are around you. When one die at the time when his /her family needs him/her for support. So what you think God just didn't cared about his/her family?
     From this what can I hope from God? That he will take my life when someone really needs me? Here, I can think that will protect people who have good connection with God. Then how can someone define this - Satan will come to God and say "God I want to test your man" and God will say ok go ahead. Then I and my family will be in great trouble. Will He don't look at my family and keep us safe?
     Here, I am not concerned about my life. I am concerned about my family and it really gets ugly to think like that. But one should have to look from every perspective in life.
     If you disagree with me just think when religious people say that, dont be afraid of your death. God can do anything at any time and no one knows what can happen in a blink of an eye. They teach us this same view of hope and trust in God but with religious perspective.
     I haven't mentioned any reference of Bible or any religious book as there was no need.
     I was not hopeless at the time of writing this article. It just came to me from nowhere.
Please comment if you have better suggestion. As soon as someone clearly explains that I am wrong, I will delete this post. Don't comment any verse because I know them all and it is useless, because they only back fires without answering any question.
     Also I wanted to add this Lauren Daigle  trust in you. Just focus on lyrics. Maybe you can able to get a hidden negative message.

20 Oct 2016

Reality of earning online at home without investment

     This is not what I learnt today but today I compiled my four years of experience of searching and testing online websites that claim that you can earn thousands of dollars working as Part time and without any skills and investment.

     Almost everyone may have thought that can this be real? At some degree the simple answer is yes or may you can't. You may earn thousands of dollars working online. But what to do for it?
    Lets take a look from start. A person think that I have spare time and I will earn online. He surly Don't know any website to offer a good job. He start to search from search engines and read some articles written on sites that gives a review on five to ten sites. He start to check them one by one. There are data entry, advertising and captcha sites. Suppose that he choose a captcha site. He starts to work. Site starts to build interest by showing some offers by which you can earn more. After few day his eyes start to hurt and he feel fatigue. He checks his earning and they don't give satisfaction and then he leaves the site. But he come back within a few weeks and this cycle goes on and on.
     The earnings are so little that he may not cash them out. Now what about those who share their success stories?
     Those who make thousands from Internet are very talented. They use their talent to make a brand. They may possess a skill that can provide a digital service. Websites like freelancer, upwork, guru and fiverr provide a good paying jobs for them. Yes, they make thousands by working online.

    So if you want to earn online at home, start to learn a skill that can provide a digital service. You can choose one skill by surfing these job sites and check what is trending. Then get more information from quora or yahoo answers.
    This article don't include review of advertising sites.
     If you don't agree with this article just think that who is so dumb that he will pay for a low end job? Still you can try your luck. Sometimes you can hit a good chance as this is not written for demotivating you.

11 Oct 2016

Stuck with mobile browser to open web pages in desktop mode? Here is a simple solution.

Stuck with mobile browser to show desktop view? Some web sites will never show desktop they in mobile browsers like word press admin page. They just not even ge you try to set it to desktop view in settings because mobile browsers have limitations.
There are two apps for this that I found, and they are not browsers.

You cannot log into your accounts because its a terminal app. It is also prone to errors.
This app provides you a Linux system with a GNOME desktop environment that is composed entirely of free and open-source software. It provides an intuitive interface. It is fast, secure and with thousands of apps to choose from. It is based on the Fedora and Centos OS.
The features and main components are inherited from the Linux Fedora OS:


It is a mobile launcher and you can log into your accounts. Sometimes it crash on rotations.
Attach mouse and keyboard, connect a monitor (or TV) and you are ready to go!
The multi-window Leena Launcher (beta) brings the desktop operating system experience to your android device by extending Android with a native desktop user interface. It is not really an "OS" by it own means, but we work hard that feels like one ;)
No rooting, no alienating user interface, no messing up of Android internals, no hacks. Leena Launcher is "just" an android app that seamlessly integrates into Android ecosystem and allows to use Android as a full blown desktop operating system. It allows you to use your mobile device where you previously defaulted back to a laptop or desktop PC. Comfortably write long emails, browse on a larger screen, or do some heavy work, or do whatever you like to do.
Bringing Android to the desktop... because it's nicer and a bit leena ;)
There are many other apps but these worked for me. You have to try other apps to check which work for you.
3. Remote desktop apps
This is not a good solution because only show your computer desktop connected to internet. But you can try if you want good privacy.

10 Oct 2016

How to make a simple cheap gas heater?

Gas heater for home use come in different prices and sizes in market. But more efficient heaters are more expensive. So how to build an efficient heater that consume very small amount of gas at low cost?
In my previous post, I discussed at basics. Not lets move to practical.

 Rule is simple, disperse gas on a material that become red hot and that material will emit heat. Why is it important? Because material will stay hot while hot air molecules may escape the room.
1. Things you will need

Remove mesh

  1.5 litter (or bigger) soft drink empty bottle
  1 match box
  Half kg white cement
2. Mix water and white cement.
Make a paste of water and white cement.

3. Cut bottom of bottle and pour mixture of white cement.

4. Set match sticks to make holes.
By using your creative mind, do it with steady hands.
Just like this

5. Wait for one day to set white cement.
wait untill cement sets hard.

6. Remove bottom of bottle by cutting it with sharp paper cutter.

7. Make holes clear (by using screw driver).
Pull out match sticks gently and make holes clear and lillte bigger. Also break a little from sides as you can see in picture below.

8. Put it on stove and burn it.
 Make sure that it is well centered. Put stove mesh on it.

At Full

At mild

Optional: you can use small stones placed around it.
You can make your own designs
Why not flat? because it break easily and because it needs a large surface area.
Alernative to white cement is clay.
Alternative to match bor is tooth picks.
Open gas as low as passible.

Pictures may not be clear. I will try harder next time.