
25 Oct 2016

Blogger Templates review

     (Next section of my previous post).
     Advance options are almost same for every template and there is nothing complicated to explain except CSS. Which you can read here about CSS option with example.

  1.      First of all lets checkout Simple templates.

     All of the templates in simple section have same layouts.Only appearance properties like background and font color change from template to template. So, if you want to change the layout try from other section.

     2.     Dynamic view templates
     No matter which one you select, reader has option to change appearance. But one disadvantage is that it has no visible side bar on it. Reader have to hover a specific section to view side bar. Except Side bar template of dynamic view shows a side bar that only show posts and cannot show any gadgets. Side bars are important if you want to get your viewer interest. I personally used side bar template at start.

     3.     Picture window
     Same as simple window layout with a difference that side bar background is transparent and show blog background image. Post area is blurred. Also all of three templates are same, only font color and background change.

     4. Awesome Inc.
     Same same same, but now side bars are not transparent and also have borders which hides blog background a little more. Default background is solid colour. Also have different layouts same as simple templates.

     5. Watermark
     These templates have transparent side bar background and semi transparent post background with show page background at maximum. Layouts are same as simple window. But you have to be very careful about font colors

     6. Ethereal
     Very elegant template. It have no boundaries between post area and side bar areas. But look good. Layouts are same.

     7. Travel
     Semi transparent backgrounds of post area and side bars but side bar area is little dark to show a boundary. Layout is same.

 If you are new then use dynamic view because it have no visible side bar. After getting some experience to use gadgets, use one side bar and a footer. Then you can easily use more than one side bars.

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