
25 Oct 2016

Testing and reviewing blogger all templates and gadgets

    Hello to all. Today I learnt that setting a perfect blog is not easy for new bloggers. If you don't have any knowledge about blogging then you may have to struggle hard with setting appearance. I also struggled for a week to set a template that gives me satisfaction.
     After so many hours I wasted I wanted to create a post where I can show all screen shots of testing templates and gadgets and also reviewing them. So I created a new blog as I was not going to change anything on my working blog.
     Also the post may became a huge one with may screen shots and posts like these may not load on slower connections. So I have split up my post. Also it will be easier for someone if want to read in a specific area.
  1. Templates
  2. Gadgets - Basic
  3. Gadgets - More -- There are more than 700 and they enhance the beauty of your blog. Host of them comprise clocks, dates, social media posts, news, animations and pictures.

     I will keep them updated.

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