
31 Oct 2016

The Mother of ALL Conspiracy Videos. Explains ALL things. Made in 1967. All its predictions have come true, so far 100%

I've read hundreds of  nonfiction articles on the world, government, ancient history, etc. I don't know a soul who has done more research. And I must say I could have eliminated years of reading with this one video. It's worth your time. Especially for you youngsters.
     This guy is 100% right on.
I've watched the videos, listened to his recordings - he is great and he knew what was going on.
     A comparably detailed book on the same subject is "None Dare Call It Conspiracy" that was published in the same time frame & put out by the John Birch Society. Back then these were all ridiculed as over the top paranoids & the Communist/Socialist threat as relatively minor.

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